I want to live my life to the absolute fullest

To open my eyes to be all I can be

To travel roads not taken, to meet faces unknown

To feel the wind, to touch the stars

I promise to discover myself

To stand tall with greatness

To chase down and catch every dream


Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Hymne Airlangga


Di Timur Jawa Dwipa
Megah Engkau Bertakhta
Satria Airlangga
Kusuma Negara
Dari Engkau Kudapat
Budaya Pusaka
Airlangga Dikau Permata
Indonesia Raya

Bagimu Almamater
Kuberjanji Setia
Berdharma Bakti Suci
Berjasa Mulia
Belajar Untuk Nusa
Indonesia Yang Kucinta
Airlangga Engkau Hiduplah
Airlangga Tetap Kau Jaya
Lagu & Syair Pujian: Abdoes Saleh
Syair Pengantar: Bachrawi Wongsokoesoemo

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